Upper Academy

In 6th through 8th grade, your child will learn…

  • Read independently for a sustained period of time.
  • Read and understand different types of books and stories, including novels, nonfiction, plays, and poetry.
  • Write reports and other documents using correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Conduct research on assigned topics.
  • Make effective oral presentations.
  • Use graphic organizers and other note-taking strategies.
  • Organize school papers and assignments; keep records of assignments.
  • Study for tests.
  • Understand the rules of the English language and apply them in writing.
  • Use integers, fractions, decimals, percentages, and other types of numeric expressions in mathematics.
  • Use measurements to solve mathematics problems that are related to real-world situations.
  • Understand basic algebraic and geometric concepts.
  • Do mathematics problems involving two- and three-dimensional shapes.
  • Understand the basics of physical and biological science.
  • Conduct scientific experiments in class.
  • Solve scientific problems using scientific processes.
  • Study the history of Florida, the nation, and the world, including major ethnic/cultural groups.
  • Understand the structure of the U.S. government and the principles of American democracy.
  • Understand the role of the citizen in American democracy.
  • Develop basic knowledge of economic systems.
  • Use maps and write reports about the geography of the world.
  • Use a computer to write a report, create a graph, and make a chart.